Tips & Tricks

The more you know!

Copy-paste column names into list or map in sidebar

When reordering items in a map or list argument, using <ctrl>or <cmd> with the up arrow and down arrow will move that item to the top or bottom of the map or list.

Ontology mapping

If coming from a spreadsheet, you can bring in using “Datatable-to-map” adaptor. This could be helpful for ontology mapping.

The spreadsheet can be updated by team members, then pulled into a data-flo and transformed into a map using datatable-to-map. This mapping can then be applied to data across multiple data-flos as needed to create more standardized datasets for your team. This could be used to

Change South/West geographic coordinates to negative numbers

Latitude & Longitude values must be in +/- values. If your coordinates use N/S/E/W instead of +/- values, you can convert the West & South coordinates to negative numbers using a replace function adaptor. If you are sending your data to Microreact and the data seem to be mapping to the wrong places (e.g. mapping in China instead of in North America, or in Ethiopia instead of Tanzania), check whether your coordinates need to be edited to include a minus sign.

To add a minus sign to lat/long values that contain South/West, use a Regular Expression

Last updated

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