Regular Expressions (RegEx)
Basic introduction to Regular Expressions
Regular expressions are a way to identify patterns in data. A Regular Expression (RegEx) uses a sequence of characters to specify a search pattern, and it can represent something as simple as "every value containing a zero" or something complicated like "every value that's between 10-12 characters in length and doesn't contain a capital A, a lowercase g, or a zero"
The backslash \
character is an "escape" character, which signals that whatever comes after it should be treated specially. (this means .
returns different results than \.
, as shown in the structures guide below)
Regular Expressions can be quite overwhelming at first, but most standard needs in Data-flo will be accomplished using a small number of structures. There are numerous resources online for learning RegEx, including a straightforward tutorial at RegexOne.
Basic RegEx structures guide
The following table shows the structure of a piece of RegEx, what that structure represents, and Examples of what it might return. See below for specific examples showing real-world use of these structures in Data-flo adaptor arguments.
digits (numbers)
any digit (number)
any non-digit character
B; or _
any character
4; or B; or _
full stop (period)
only a, b, or c
[gb]et matches get and bet, but doesn't match let or net
Not a, b, or c
[^ln]et matches get and bet, but doesn't match let or net
characters a to z
[a-z]101 matches m101 but not 2101
numbers 0 to 9
[0-9]101 matches 2101 but not a101
any alphanumeric character
a; or T; or 7
any non-alphanumeric character
_; or @
m repetitions
a{3} matches aaa; [wxy]{3} can match www, xxx, wyy, etc.; [0-9]{2} matches any two-digit number
m to n repetitions
a{2,4} matches aa or aaa or aaaa; .{2,3} matches any two- or three-character string
zero or more repetitions
one or more repetitions
AB+ matches AB or ABAB or ABCAB, but not BA or BACB
optional character
ba?123 matches ba123 or b123 but not a123
any whitespace (space, tab, new-line, carriage return)
a\sb matches a b
any non-whitespace character (anything but space, tab, new-line, carriage return)
a\Sb matches aab but not a b
starts and ends (anchors to the beginning and end of a field) (Note: $ in a reference is different than in a pattern; in a reference, $ references a specific capture group)
^123$ matches 123 but not 1123 or 1233
capture group
capture sub-group
capture all
matches abc or def
matches someamountoftext-CGPS-123454
and matches someamountoftext-CGPS-1234540
and matches x-CGPS-0000000000
and matches x-CGPS-CGPS-000000
because in all cases, the start of the line ^
is followed by any character .
any number of times +
, followed by the very specific text -CGPS
any number of times +
, followed by any six {6}
digits [0-9]
(and doesn't specify what happens after the six digits).
If a dollar-sign is added at the end, it signifies that there are six digits and that's the end of the line, so /^.+-CGPS+-[0-9]{6}$/
matches someamountoftext-CGPS-123454
but not someamountoftext-CGPS-1234540
Converting lat/long to negative numbers
matches 100.67W
and matches 90.7 S
and can be used as the pattern when converting latitude and longitude to negative numbers, with the replacement value -$1
turning those values into -100.67
and -90.7
Select and reference everything in a field
pattern is everything in the field:
anchor the start & end of the field,()
designate a capture group to reference in the replacement, and.+
means any characters any number of times (at least once).
replacement is
means everything in the first capture group, which here is everything you've selected)This example shows the two different uses of the dollar sign $ character. In the pattern, it means the end of the field. In the reference, it signifies a capture group.
External Resources (unrelated to CGPS)
To get a step-by-step walk-through of how Regular Expressions work, and more information about the structures involved, visit
This resource ( allows you to write plain English and return RegEx, which can be a good way to familiarize yourself with the concepts and get started creating a complicated pattern.
Regex101 is a good place to test and debug RegEx functionality, although some users find the interface unintuitive.
Another place to build, test, and debug RegEx is
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